City Standards; Country Care

Social Stories

Social stories are short narratives that describe social situations, skills, events, or concepts in a clear and structured way. They use pictures or photos to support the words and explain a single topic in detail. Developed initially for use with people with autism, social stories also benefit people with intellectual and learning differences, those who feel anxiety about new situations, and children of any age and ability.

Jemimah Webb, one of our administrative team, has a special interest in neurodiversity and discovering ways to support people with special needs and she has developed two social stories for Charlton Medical’s patients. The stories show patients what to expect before coming to the practice and can help reduce anxiety and fear. The first story focuses on visiting a doctor at Charlton Medical. The second story is about getting a vaccination. We hope that these two stories will be a useful resource for our patients. If you have a suggestion for our next story, please reach out via the contact us page – we’d love to hear it!

You can download the stories from our website or from the link below so that you can prepare your child in advance of your visit to the practice. Alternatively, you will find laminated copies at reception.

Visiting the doctor

Getting a vaccine

We hope these stories will make a difference in our community by promoting inclusivity and understanding. Stay tuned for more stories in our series!

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