The commonly used Gudair vaccine provides safe and effective protection against Ovine Johne’s Disease (OJD), an incurable and terminal wasting disease of sheep caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium paratuberculosis.
While safe for livestock there are potential consequences associated with accidental human injection of this vaccine and its cattle counterpart, Silirum, and when even a small amount enters the body, intense swelling and a persistent granulomatous inflammatory reaction can occur. Reactions to the vaccine are particularly serious if injected into a finger joint or tendon sheath where swelling and inflammation may compromise blood supply leading to death of tissue and the potential loss of the digit.
After accidental injury with these vaccines, please stop work immediately and seek medical assessment from your doctor. Antibiotics and, in some cases, urgent surgical intervention may be required. Please bring the vaccine carton and package insert and the product information and safety data sheet documents with you to your consultation and advise receptions of the urgent nature of your injury. OJD can have a significant effect on the health and welfare of sheep and vaccination can be an important part of your management strategy, please take proper precautions, ensuring animals are properly restrained, removing needles with pliers, disposing of needles in an appropriate sharps container and using a shrouded applicator or sheathed needle.