- 2 Learmonth St, Charlton, 3525
- Phone: 03 5477 6888
Charlton Medical offers a full range of general practice consultations including investigations prescriptions, referrals, treatments and procedures.
General consultations are 15 minutes but you may book a longer time slot if you prefer. You will generally require a longer consultation if you are a new patient, you are having a health assessment or care plan, you require mental health counselling or are having a surgical procedure. Please speak to a reception if you think you may need more time.
This page details some of the services that require further information or preparation allowing you to be fully informed before your visit.
Cost to you
Bulk billed during vaccination clinics
Same as consultation at other times
Charlton Medical encourages you to maintain an up-to-date vaccination status for annual vaccines such as influenza, childhood vaccinations such as MMR and Infanrix and travel vaccinations such as typhoid and Hepatitis A.
Vaccination clinics are conducted on an annual basis for large volume vaccination programs such as influenza and COVID-19. These consultations are bulk billed and are restricted to the vaccination process. You are not able to request additional services at these clinics.
Opportunistic vaccination can be undertaken on an individual basis or you can proactively book a consultation to update or maintain your vaccination status at which time normal consultation fees will apply.
If you have any questions relating to vaccination, our doctors are happy to discuss these concerns in greater detail than a normal vaccination clinic would permit. Please note that, generally speaking, medical staff are pro-vaccination but are willing to engage in a healthy discussion concerning the risks and benefits related to vaccination.
Cost to you
As arranged prior to treatment
Cost to you
Bulk billed
Cost to you
Same as a consultation in person
Bulk billed by telehealth
$20.00 independent of a consultation
Generally renewing your prescriptions is best done as part of a normal consultation where your doctor can review your current health and ensure that your medications remain appropriate. If you have been seen for a consultation in the previous 6 months you may also choose to take advantage of a Telehealth consultation to renew your scripts without visiting the practice. Telehealth consultations are bulk billed and your prescription can be sent to you digitally as an e-script or directly to your designated pharmacy.
A non-rebatable $20.00 fee applies to services independent of a consultation. This includes requests for repeat prescriptions by phone or by request of reception staff. You will need to have been seen in person for a consultation to request a repeat prescription using this method.
Looks for HPV (a common infection spread during sexual activity) which can increase the risk of cervical cancer
Cost to you
Same as a consultation
The cervical screening test replaced the old Pap test in December 2017. The test looks for evidence of the human papilloma virus (HPV) which can lead to cervical cancer.
The test looks and feels similar to the old Pap test but is only required every 5 years if your result are normal.
Cervical screening is suggested for all women aged 25-74, two years after your last Pap test. The test requires a double appointment so please let reception know when you book your appointment.
Checking for abnormal skin lesions that may require removal
Cost to you
Same as a consultation
Electrical check on heart function.
Cost to you
Depends on the purpose of the recording
Please wear clothing to allow easy access to your chest. Excess hair will need to be shaved. Usually the practice nurse or doctor will do this test with you lying down.
Physical check on Respiratory function – part of ‘The Works’
Cost to you
Depends on the purpose of the test
This measures the amount of air moving in and out of your lungs and its rate, and is performed as a healthy baseline in‘ The Works’, or to assess the degree of illness with asthma & COPD. Usually the practice nurse, or doctor will do this test with you sitting down.
Spiriva should be withheld for 24hrs prior to testing and other inhalers for 12hrs prior to testing. (If you become acutely unwell or short of breath, please take your prescribed inhalers and let the clinician know).
Please avoid vigorous exercise within 30 minutes of appointment. Do not smoke for at least 1 hour or drink alcohol within 4 hours.
Notify us if you have any of the following: recent surgery, aneurysms, coughing up blood, respiratory infections, COVID-19, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, or unstable cardiac function/chest pain.
Determine whether blood pressure is adequately controlled over a 24 hour period
Cost to you
Bulk Billed
An ambulatory BP monitor records BP measurements frequently throughout the day (and less often at night as it can be a bit unsettling). Currently this is not funded by Medicare so you will need to pay the full cost of the investigation, however, it has been flagged as a new item to be added to Medicare funding in the near future.
Charlton Medical has several automatic BP monitoring machines which we are happy to lend to patients at no cost. You can record your readings on an Excel spreadsheet that has been specifically developed for this purpose and can be downloaded from the link below. Entering data into this spreadsheet which automatically averages your BPs and printing it off prior to your consultation makes reviewing your BP readings from home monitoring a much faster and more accurate process.
Ensuring that all is progressing well for you and your baby
Cost to you
Same as a consultation
Screening physical health check & bloods to keep you well.
Cost to you
Same as a consultation
Charlton Medical encourages you to have an annual ‘roadworthy’ known as ‘The Works’ for health screening.
Health screening involves testing for a condition before symptoms begin. The Works includes: fasting blood test, blood pressure, height, weight and other measurements, lung function (spirometry), ECG, diabetes risk assessment tool, discussion & kit for bowel cancer screening, breast screen, pap test & immunisation status check.
You must fast from 10pm, bring an early morning urine sample from when you get up, take your normal morning medications with water only, and wear clothing that allows for ease of access to your torso . Ladies should avoid wearing full-length stockings.
The Works can be divided into Part 1 – fasting bloods, & Part 2 – remainder of tests and physical examination, if necessary.
Optimisation of care for patients with mental health problems and preparation of a plan allowing the patient to qualify for counselling with a psychologist.
Cost to you
Same as consultation
Partial physical & psychosocial checkup to keep you in your own home
Cost to you
Bulk Billed
This is an information gathering appointment that identifies problems that can be addressed or interventions to put in place to improve health outcomes and quality of life over the next year. An examination is performed and various questions are asked about your social circumstances, allowing development of a plan of care. Unmet needs can be identified and attended to through the referral process at subsequent appointments. Carers and family members can often assist and are welcome to be present.
Please bring a urine sample, your glasses and hearing aids (if used) to your appointment.
Optimise the long term outcomes for complex care medical conditions – goals & care team setup
Cost to you
Same as a consultation
A GP Management Plan (GPMP) appointment involves the development, with your consent and assistance, of a detailed plan of care with individualised goals by the practice nurse and doctor, and the provision of a written plan of management.
This process empowers you to actively participate in the management of your illness and provides comprehensive & coordinated care for patients who have complex and/or long term medical illnesses including diabetes, arthritis, asthma and heart disease.
Optimise the long term outcomes for complex care medical conditions by setting up a care team.
Cost to you
Same as a consultation
A Team Care Arrangement (TCA) appointment provides information and enables referrals to allied health professionals/specialists to assist in your care as part of the ‘Team’.
This process empowers you to actively participate in the management of your illness and provides comprehensive & coordinated care for patients who have complex and/or long term medical illnesses including diabetes, arthritis, asthma and heart disease.
a regular review to check that your needs haven’t changed
Cost to you
Same as a consultation
Undertaken by the practice nurse & doctor, these provide follow-up to ensure your GPMP is being managed effectively and that referrals to allied health professionals and specialists have been acknowledged or actioned. They enable an holistic approach to your care to ensure that the best outcomes for you are being met.
Optimise the long term outcomes for patients with asthma
Cost to you
Same as a consultation
An asthma plan appointment involves the development, with your consent and assistance, of a detailed plan of asthma care with individualised goals by the practice nurse and doctor, and the provision of a written plan of management.
This process helps you recognise worsening asthma and gives clear instructions on what to do in response.
A pulmonary function test may form part of the asthma plan.
To determine whether you may have diabetes or pre-diabeties
Cost to you
Same as consultation
Determine whether you have H pylori present in your stomach
Cost to you
Same as a consultation
This radioactive urea breath test is for detecting Helicobacter pylori – a bacteria that is known to cause stomach ulcers and cause indigestion, with a long term increased risk of stomach cancer.
You must stop taking antibiotics for 4 weeks and stop taking PPI medication (for GORD) for a minimum of 2 weeks (eg Losec, Zoton, Somac, Pariet, Nexium). During this time symptomatic relief can be obtained with antacids (eg Mylanta, Quick-eze). If this does not work let the doctor know so that alternative treatment can be arranged.
You need to fast for at least 6 hours before the test, which consists of holding your breath for about 15 seconds then blowing into a foil bag. This is repeated 10 mins after taking a radioactive urea pill with water. We may also take a blood test.